BHAT KENNELS   Born To Win Your Heart.



About Great Danes

About Fila Brasileiro

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Vonriesenhof Breeders

Caprata Danes


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She is the favourite girl. She is very special to us because she is our first Home Bred Pup who was our first crowning glory, who brought laurels for us.

Very sincere and hardworking from early "puppyhood", she started her career in dog - showbiz even before she was six months. Since then, she has been performing excellently in all the shows. She has so far been awarded 28 CCs, 20 BoB, 8 BoS and has figured in the Best In Show line up in several shows. She had completed her Championship title at the tender age of 8 Months. This is a record to the best of our knowledge from this part of the country. Does'nt she deserve a pat in her back for this ? 

Ch. Bhat's Sensational Meena is a born champion. She had dominated every show that she attended with grace and dignity. So great was her Great Dane majesty that she had been an unbeaten bitch in every show. Now, being past her prime, she is off the show grounds, doing her quiet cat- walk at home.




Our puppies come occasionally. They are bred with love and care for a loving family. We care for our puppies and their future. We provide long term support for them and their well - being. They will grow up to be outstanding specimens of their breed, if only you take the time and efforts to follow the simple guidelines that we provide.

You may get puppies for a lesser cost but you ultimately get only what you pay for. Hence, kindly do not bargain with us.